Monday, 29 March 2010

Musician Achievement

How can we succeed as a musician? Many people say that musicians tend to spend a lot of time practicing hard to become a great musician one day however, I do not agree that a musician should only practice. How can one get a job if you always live in the practice room? If a musician is always practicing, they become machine-like because all you can do is practice and perform on stage. What about a normal life as a human?

Practicing all day long is not a good thing to do. For example, having a noodle every meal to earn more time in your practice room is seriously dangerous. I strongly disagree with someone who might be doing this because you will be deficient in nutrition. Your body will become skinny and very weak. Just eat proper meals, do more exercise and take a good care of yourself for a healthy living. A successful musician should have a healthy body.

You can make people cry with your sound but you have no friends. Friends share information, listen and always share their opinion with you. In my opinion, a great musician which has many good friends will make his life better. Those friends will help, listen and introduce other people to you, with support of your friends, you will become a better musician. Be friendly, and you will going forward together with your friends.

There are so many cultures in this world to learn and so many people to meet. It is beneficial, if you can speak Chinese or English but that is not enough. It will be better if you can learn the different cultures too. This task requires another skill. You need to open your mind, your eyes and your heart to learn. Every people in this world is your teacher.

To become a good musician, we should have a good personality, a good knowledge of language, healthy body and also play very well on our instrument. I came to Singapore not to be an IPOD which can walk and play music. I came here to become a professional musician.

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